#1 John Travolta

About About John Travolta Lookalike
With many years of experience in the lookalike industry this John Travolta lookalike, sound alike and dance alike does a totally interactive show. You can have either the “Tony Manero” character from the hit movie “SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER” or the “Danny Zucco” character from the hit movie “GREASE” or both. Either performance will have your guests excited, interacting and talking about your party. Between his strong resemblance to John Travolta and his mirrored personalities of the characters you will think the star is really there! Whatever character you choose Phil can portray 100%. After many years of impersonating John Travolta he has perfected Travoltas characters. He is simply the best!.
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He truly is the very best. That’s the quality you want to have at you party or event. Please book as early as possible as dates can be held only with a signed contract. Looking forward to hearing from you.